コメント残してくれた皆さん、ありがとうございます。もう今日はクタクタなので、明日返信させて頂きますね。 いつもひとつひとつのコメント楽しくよまさせていただいています!
Hi! I just found your blog - it's great! and your work looks like a great place to work too! Are you on twitter? (I'd like to follow you if you are!).
返信削除Hey Nichola! Thanks for visiting and leaving me your comment! I am glad to hear you like my blog and you found this space.
返信削除No, I don't really do Twitter. You can follow on my blog. Take a look at the left column. :)
My work environment is awesome. It's such a cool place to work but my blog is my personal one and there is nothing to do with them. Just a note. :)
Hi! I'm following you from my blog ( http://mechagenkibento.blogspot.com/ ) but it doesn't seem to show on the left for some reason. You are showing on my pages I follow tho at least! Are you from Osaka? I used to live there! Have a good weekend!
返信削除Nichola さん
返信削除Hi Nichola! You seem to have gone to Japan recently too. That's awesome! I can see your name on my blog follower. I'm from Ishikawa prefecture where is a smaller version of Kyoto. It's another traditional town but it's also mixture of moden town. Did you go to Osaka for teaching English?
Oh yup I know where you mean (I've never been tho!). I worked at NOVA's お茶の間留学 so it was more like working at a call centre rather than a normal eikawa! I've been a couple of times now though because I studied Japanese through high school and university, although my Japanese is a bit rubbish now!
返信削除Hey Nichola
返信削除It sounds like you are familiar with Japanese and culture well. I know what you mean. It's always difficult to keep up the foreign language if we don't use it everyday. I studied French and German for a few years but I almost remember nothing. ;)